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SEPTEMBER 29, 2008

Members Present: Al Berg, Paul Challenger, Peter Lacy, Bob Ripley, Glenn Gaudette, Jim Dunn

Others Present: Chris Lucchesi, Chairman, Public Safety Building Committee

This was a specially convened meeting, requested by the Public Safety Building Committee, to receive Finance Committee recommendations and guidance relative to proposals for incorporation of a geothermal heating/cooling system in the new Public Safety Facility.

Chris Lucchesi began the meeting with a status update of the Public Safety building project for the Finance Committee.  Best current estimates of costs were presented, as were alternative additions and deletions the PSBC is considering. It was emphasized that the project is managing to the budget allocated at Town Meeting.

Chairman Lucchesi also presented some information which the PSBC has gathered about geothermal heating and cooling options. Design options and cost estimates were provided. The Finance Committee focused on the estimates of payback period provided by Chairman Lucchesi.

The Finance Committee reached a consensus, which was relayed to Chairman Lucchesi, that a payback period greater than 10 years would likely introduce undesirable risk to the project and that therefore a 10 year payback period was a reasonable planning factor to be used by PSBC consultants.

No motions were made.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
James Dunn, Acting Secretary